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Are we paying government workers more and getting less in return?
In olden times, in many countries, the ruling class or church imposed a tithe between 10% to 20%. This was the basis for many a revolution. In Canada, the common people are heavily taxed by the new "ruling class" - government workers! According to a 2005 survey by Statistics Canada, Public Administration workers are the 4th highest paid workers in Canada earning an average annual salary of $48,700. The top earners are Utilities ($64,400), Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Oil & Gas ($56,500), Professional, Scientific & Technical Services ($49,200). What is wrong with this picture?
Yes 9 69.2% 69.2%, 9 of 13
No 3 23.1% 23.1%, 3 of 13
Maybe 1 7.7% 7.7%, 1 of 13
Don`t Know 0 0% 0%, 0 of 13
Don`t Care 0 0% 0%, 0 of 13
Total Votes13
Posted By Start
Wondering... 29/08/07 N/A

Date/Time Vote By Comment
14/06/11 Yes Carol Patrick
16/11/10 Yes Larry Fletcher
01/01/10 Yes bill job security high wages = high taxes poor work incentive
01/06/09 Yes Mary-Lou Herbert Well I & my husband have sent letters of concern in the last 3 weeks,, Did we get feedback,,Of course not Getting paid for what??? Mary-Lou
04/05/09 Maybe Private Everyone needs to make a living and if there weren't some good paying jobs then the good majority of people wouldn't be working as no one would be purchasing those necessary items to keep the economy turning
01/05/09 Yes Nicole Paying them for what? sitting in there trucks drinking coffee, or standing on the side of the road chit chatting .....I can do this , but i dont get paid .... something is wrong with this picture for sure!
01/05/09 Yes Rich Everyone else is cutting back but goverment workers including teachers are getting raises.
07/03/09 Yes Theresa Aitken There is way too much division between the have and have nots. One person works hard physically for that $10 and hour and the next sips coffee and scorns the have-nots
21/12/08 No Ed
27/01/08 No debs No.The ruling class is not the workers. Get that one straight. The ruling class is the economic barrons that prop up this right wing government. I suggest that we get rid of the U.S. machine that dictates to the present Can. Gov. It is not the working cl
16/10/07 No Michael Miller No!!...on the down time (winter season)it take way too long to see any sort of benefit
31/08/07 Yes Sue You can't even get a gvt. worker to answer a phone anymore, yet they still get the big wages. I blame Unions for a big part of the problem.
29/08/07 Yes Buster What other group gets to vote in their own raises? And when existing incompetants cannot do the job, they simply hire more! This country needs an enema!

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