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Does Parry Sound even need a Home Depot?
Given the recent costs required to bring this store in we should be asking whether we even need it.
Yes 16 66.7% 66.7%, 16 of 24
No 7 29.2% 29.2%, 7 of 24
Maybe 1 4.2% 4.2%, 1 of 24
Don`t Know 0 0% 0%, 0 of 24
Don`t Care 0 0% 0%, 0 of 24
Total Votes24
Posted By Start
Garfield 30/07/07 09/09/08

Date/Time Vote By Comment
09/09/08 Yes albert and nicole with the way our building economy is going these days you need a more reliable, wider range with competitive pricing, which also brings convenience for those that have to travel so far to get what they want.
08/08/08 Yes austin
28/05/08 Yes Caroline The rest of the hardware stores need a wake up call. We saved $500.00 on material by ordering it from the Home Depot in Bracebridge even after delivery charge. And they did deliver it right to my door right where I asked them to.
05/05/08 Yes gypsy Sure would be nice not to have to drive to Barrie
24/04/08 Yes Kimberly I will still probaly do my shopping at McNabb lumber but never at Rona, service sucks esp the head carpet salesperson
05/02/08 No Graham Ketcheson we have lots of good building suppliers already
27/01/08 Maybe debs P,S. does not supply home owners or commercial people with the supplies needed to fix or repair. If you can get it, it is over priced. I don't like box stores, but get real with your prices here. I am appalled with what is not available.
24/01/08 Yes Phil
16/01/08 Yes K McArdle I think the town cold use a Home Depot. Rona could use some competiton. They are really expensive.
04/12/07 No hayes
24/11/07 Yes Angie
16/10/07 No Michael Miller im very happy with Rona (aka Northland) and homehardware...if i need a special something, ill drive to Barrie
15/10/07 Yes Janet Pratt Nice to have more variety
14/10/07 Yes steve wilcox will create jobs
12/10/07 Yes alli Parry Sound needs businesses to keep people here shopping, which keeps people here eating, buying fuel etc.
11/10/07 Yes James Better selection And I would not have to go out of town to shop for building supplies
03/09/07 Yes Al Bruno
26/08/07 Yes crazychick
21/08/07 Yes Sue Competition is needed in business. It helps break the monopoly that is going on in town now.
17/08/07 No robert palmer
14/08/07 No t
04/08/07 Yes Michelle I definately think so- it will provide jobs and the service at Rona's sucks.
04/08/07 No No
30/07/07 No Barney Uh, let's see, we give them a 100% tax break and they end up putting all our other hardware stores out of business? Not a good deal!

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