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Should MOON RIVER MARINE water taxi be allowed to continue putting boaters in danger?
They will not slow their large water taxis down in narrow channels of a provincial park, causing potential harm to small watercraft, canoeists, kayakers, campers, swimmers and the environment.
No, that's terrible and dangerous! 1 100% 100%, 1 of 1
Don't care. 0 0% 0%, 0 of 1
Yes, who cares about boaters. 0 0% 0%, 0 of 1
Total Votes1
Posted By Start
DD/MM/YY 09/09/11 07/10/11

Date/Time Vote By Comment
10/09/11 Comment Only Curious If true, sounds like a job for the police not a public forum. If you are fishing for feel-alikes, probably you need to be less biassed in the phrasing of your question. Otherwise it sounds like you are just slagging them off.
09/09/11 No, that's terrible and dangerous! Paul The owner, Chris Holmes, is not only rude when you ask him to slow down, he gets vulgar and near violent. Moon River Marine is a menace on the waterways of Moon River, Woods Bay and Massasauga Provincal Park

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