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Polls | Vote | Results

Should the Town provide free water to out of towners?
Yes 16 59.3% 59.3%, 16 of 27
No 8 29.6% 29.6%, 8 of 27
Maybe 0 0% 0%, 0 of 27
Don`t Know 1 3.7% 3.7%, 1 of 27
Don`t Care 2 7.4% 7.4%, 2 of 27
Total Votes27
Posted By Start
Waterboy 07/07/07 09/09/08

Date/Time Vote By Comment
08/08/08 Yes austin also for the local people that use town water be cause they are on wells.
27/04/08 Yes Ina Watkinson
26/04/08 Don`t Know Kimberly I am curious, the town is afraid of water lawsuits meanwhile they still offer a drinking fountain that is really unsanitary to people everyday in the summer, what
13/03/08 Comment Only d
13/03/08 Don`t Care d
13/03/08 Comment Only d
09/03/08 Yes Rob
27/01/08 Comment Only debs How dare we even ask this question. I think the question should be, "Why are we not providing safe water to everyone"
27/01/08 Yes debs Yes, why not? If we decide to put a price on water then we become like U.S.A. Water is life. You can not refuse water to anyone. I think there is an actual law regarding this.
12/11/07 Yes shari
16/10/07 No Michael Miller there is nothing like fresh spring water from your well, filtered water from the lake or buy reusable bottled's dirt cheap and will always pay itself not willing to pay more for someone else to have the convience
12/10/07 Yes Robin absoutely
11/10/07 No fadfasdf
29/08/07 No Champ We pay when we are on holiday ...
26/08/07 Don`t Care crazychick omg it's water.... buy some like the rest of us... if the water is so good bring jugs from where ever you come from... I live here I buy bottled water...suck it up
17/08/07 No m.r.
15/08/07 Yes isko.lehto
14/08/07 Yes Mike Wilson Yes! The tourists/campers/cottage renters are a real boon to the economy. Everything possible should be done to make sure they feel welcome and want to keep coming back.
08/08/07 No julie If they get free water, so shoudl we,
13/07/07 Yes T.Zanussi
13/07/07 Yes Someone
12/07/07 Yes Shari
12/07/07 No Pattie no
11/07/07 Yes Kareena Fisher For such a minimal cost compared to the benefit of their revenue from purchases, taxes, labour etc., WHY NOT?
10/07/07 Yes Bobbi
09/07/07 Comment Only crafty depends on the situation..treat others how you want to be treated...
09/07/07 Yes Robin
08/07/07 Yes Happy Of course, water is the staff of life and readily available.
08/07/07 No Grumpy Lots of water in the Bay, buy a filter like everyone else!
07/07/07 Yes Sue Out of towners generally spend money here so offering them free water isn't too much to ask in return.

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