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Dissolve the CRTC!
Do you agree we should dissolve the CRTC and take back control of our information from the government? For more info, see here
Yes 8 100% 100%, 8 of 8
No 0 0% 0%, 0 of 8
Maybe 0 0% 0%, 0 of 8
Don`t Know 0 0% 0%, 0 of 8
Don`t Care 0 0% 0%, 0 of 8
Total Votes8
Posted By Start
Disgruntled 01/09/10 N/A

Date/Time Vote By Comment
05/03/16 Yes walter emery When we signed up with Bell for some packages of interest to our tv viewing , We were not happy with having to accept programs that we would never watch And since then they ( without consulting with us slowly removed some of the programs we signed up for
03/09/10 Yes Jack i am a conserative, stay out of my life.less government is better for all of us in a free country.
02/09/10 Yes Thomas Dowswell We Can NOT trust The govenment ! Political interfearence must end
02/09/10 Yes Terry It's absolutely amazing how many people have no idea of the implications of this tax and the tremendous costs involved. Ontarions should follow BC's lead and revolt.
02/09/10 Yes doug hague
01/09/10 Yes Don Bryan The Government and the CRTC have way too much control in the lives of Canadians and their right to privacy.
01/09/10 Yes g
01/09/10 Yes Nick Slater It is outrageous that Canadians should pay more tax on internet, i.e. 13% HST instead of 5% GST. However it is even more outrageous that the CRTC caves in to Bell and Cogeco to the detriment of all smaller ISPs in Canada. Dump the CRTC!!!

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