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Do you think this whole \"Welcome To Parry Sound\" trademark stuff is silly?
Yes 42 89.4% 89.4%, 42 of 47
No 5 10.6% 10.6%, 5 of 47
Maybe 0 0% 0%, 0 of 47
Don`t Know 0 0% 0%, 0 of 47
Don`t Care 0 0% 0%, 0 of 47
Total Votes47
Posted By Start
Community of Parry Sound 22/05/10 19/06/10

Date/Time Vote By Comment
13/06/10 Yes Candi Michaels Come off of it Nick!
13/06/10 No h.s I think people should vote on this with their wallets. Thery should tell the businesses that use Mr Slater's services that they are unhappy with this and that they might take their business elsewhere if it continues.
10/06/10 Yes Jen Esch This whole thing is completely ridiculous!! Who would honeslty be that greedy to trademark a saying that is used in every day and everyone in Parry Sound has said it at least once. Isnt a registered tradmark a circled R not just TM??
09/06/10 No John Pemberton
07/06/10 Yes Tyler
07/06/10 Yes Cailey You can't trademark a geographical location you lunatic! You are a sick, petty man.
07/06/10 Yes Kate Hepworth What next Nick, Happy Birthday ? There are already issue's with Merry Christmas maybe you could add to those ! No wait.. here's a good one "Welcome to our home" lets go with the go big or go home theory ! Whoever let you do this is short some brain cells.
07/06/10 No Patrick Clare,1233.msg8052.html#new
07/06/10 Yes Sylvester Lechat Directions to Zeuterville...just round the bend!
07/06/10 Yes Shay
07/06/10 Yes Perry Emerson
07/06/10 Yes Alysha van der Valk
06/06/10 No Kevin Frankish
05/06/10 Yes Rick
04/06/10 Yes fgd dfhdh
04/06/10 Yes Natasha W Absolutely Despicable!!!
04/06/10 Yes ysoucansue? I can't believe Nick actually had the nerve to do this. Was the one single solitary person who voted *no* himself or his addlepated sister? Did no one ever tell Nick that kicking a hornets nest is a *bad* idea?
04/06/10 Yes Tj How can any company trademark a town/city/village name? Parry Sound should boot this guy and company out of town as he sounds to be devoid of any common sense(jacka$$ comes to mind). From Vancouver, BC-I support the town and its citizens.
04/06/10 Yes Laura Craziness
04/06/10 Yes Rhoddy Duhamel Nick should be ashamed of himself. Talk about bite the hand that feeds you.
04/06/10 Yes Giroux This guy is dinked in the head.
04/06/10 Yes Bee This is ridiculous.
04/06/10 Yes Benjamin Wow... of all the arrogance. This guy's totally nuts. Total Jerk. Maybe I'll copyright "Welcome to Zeuter" and sue him.
04/06/10 Yes Stacey All the news reports, all the newspapers all 2000+ people on the FB page all say the same thing "This is ridiculous Nick, drop it & save yourself further embarrassment"
03/06/10 Yes R U Kidding What a positive addition to the community that Slater guy is!
03/06/10 Yes mike tm, a common saying, this keeps up and nobody will be able to speak english.
03/06/10 Yes Tracy Woods 88bxy
03/06/10 Yes Dunc Gotta be one of the most rediculous lawsuits I've ever seen...reminds me of the bad old days of cyber-squatting domain names.
01/06/10 Yes Domenic Yes, And it is a merely discriptive trademark (very weak) and not really worth anything. No judge will ever award him a settlement based on that. Talk about burning ones bridges.
28/05/10 Yes Jen Why would someone trademark "Welcome to Parry Sound"? The township should be the only group allowed to do that! I guess he will trademark "Welcome to Ontario" next.
26/05/10 Yes Rob E Greedy.
24/05/10 Yes James Crawford Nick your total disrespect for the residents of Parry Sound by claiming "Welcome to Parry Sound" as your own, will be your downfall. "Welcome the Boycott of Zeuterâ„¢"
23/05/10 Yes sue Yes Nick, you made a HUGE mistake this time. You've got a lot of people riled up and for good reason. BUT - whoever issued you the trademark should also be held accountable. It was and is unacceptable.
23/05/10 Yes Lori Perry Everyone should be posting signs ALL OVER P.S. "Welcome To Parry Sound" Nick should start packing his bags, he's ticked off so many people his business won't generate enough money to support him!
23/05/10 Comment Only Ingrid I believe this is a very serious issue. As you have frequently come off as arrogant and exceptionally rude, the reactions to your suite should come as no surprise. It saddens me that you should feel the right to a common phrase. But its you. Absolutely.
23/05/10 Yes Caroline Absolutely!!! I've never seen a company do more damage to itself in three days.
23/05/10 Yes tammy fisher
23/05/10 Yes welcome to
22/05/10 Yes vicki having it so your website comes up first i understand, charging local clubs ok. i am worried now that you are going to lose buisness over it.seems lots of angry people..sorry.:(
22/05/10 Yes Jay
22/05/10 Yes Liz Garagan Yes, it is completely ridiculous. But really you used the word silly in the poll? Silly is such a broad word, it's the negative equivalent of nice. But that doesn't change the fact that I agree wholeheartedly.
22/05/10 Yes sassy leave it alone and give it up. no one is ever gonna pay for that
22/05/10 Yes Nick Silly. And it shows how greedy some people are. Hope Nick is run out of town
22/05/10 Yes Elaine Zeuter needs to send me a bill!!! I think I owe you a MILLION DOLLARS!!! I have used that phrase over a thousand times in the past 8.5 years, at every job I've ever worked at! Grow up ZEUTER!
22/05/10 Yes anon
22/05/10 No john Zeuter will not back down so we will not either ..... BOYCOTT
22/05/10 Yes wouldntulike toknow
22/05/10 Yes a

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